Finding Forgotten Emails/Changing Emails

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If you are having trouble logging in because you do not remember the email address for your Nexon account, you can recover your account using the Account Self-Service tool. For more information, see Using Account Self-Service.

When you are able to successfully log in to your Nexon account, you can change your email address from either your Account Settings in Nexon Home ( or Nexon Launcher, depending on your verification settings, or from the Account Self-Service tool.

Important    Important: If you are changing your email because you no longer have access to the mailbox, then you must use the Account Self-Service tool for account ownership verification.

This article describes how to find forgotten emails, change emails using Account Settings and the Account Self-Service tool, undo email changes, and it lists the information needed to verify account ownership.

Note: This article contains screenshots that are for example purposes only. Actual text and visuals may vary.

Forgotten emails

Use the Find Your Email option in Account Self-Service to search for your account using any of the following:

  • Nexon ID
  • NexonTag
  • Game Character

To ensure that you are the rightful account owner, you must to confirm your identity. If you do not have Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled (SMS or Authenticator), then you need to provide other information to verify ownership of the account, besides your email address, which is not required. For more detailed instructions, see Using Account Self-Service > Find Your Email.

When your account is found, the associated email address is shown, and then you can either log in, reset your password, or change your email.

Note: The displayed email is masked to help protect it from mistakenly (or intentionally) being misused.

Changing Emails

Before changing the email address for your Nexon account, note the following:

  • There is a minimum, seven-day waiting period after changing your email before you can change it again.
  • Each Nexon account must have a unique email; multiple accounts cannot share the same address.
  • Email addresses can be reused, but the seven-day waiting period still applies. (You must wait at least seven days after removing an email from one Nexon account before you can use it again for a different account.)

Account Settings

In addition to the Account Self-Service tool, you can change your email address from your Account Settings if you can log in with your email and password and can confirm your identity using a verification code (SMS, Authenticator, or email).

Note: If you don’t have 2FA enabled, you must have access to the current email mailbox.

To change your email from Account Settings:

  1. Log in to your Nexon account using your email address.
  2. From your account menu, click Account Settings.
  3. Select Personal Info.
  4. Under Profile, find Email, and then click Change.
    To confirm your identity, a verification code is sent to either your email address or mobile phone. If using the Authenticator App, use that 6-digit code instead.

  5. Enter the verification code.
  6. In New Email, enter a new email address, and then click Send Code.

    If the email you enter is already associated with a Nexon account, an error message appears. Click Cancel to return to your Personal Info.
    You can either try again immediately with a different email or try again in a few days with the same email, if you recently removed the email address from another Nexon account.

  7. Enter the verification code that was sent to the new email, and then click Change.
  8. Click Close.

You can now use your new email to log in to your account.

Account Self-Service

Use the Change Your Email option in Account Self-Service to update the email address for your account when:

  • You know your email and password, but 2FA is disabled and you cannot access your current email mailbox.
  • You know your email and have access to your current email mailbox, but do not know your password.
  • You know your email, but do not know your password and cannot access your current email mailbox.
  • You can, but do not want to, use your Account Settings.

To ensure that you are the rightful account owner, you must confirm your identity. If you cannot get a verification code (SMS, Authenticator, or email), then you must provide other information to verify ownership of the account. For more detailed instructions, see Using Account Self-Service > Change Your Email.

Reverting email changes

After changing an email address, a notification is sent to the previous email for security purposes. If you have access to this mailbox and did not make this change, or you want to undo the change for any reason, you can use the revert ID link provided in the message. This link is valid for seven days.

Clicking the link prompts you to change your password and add security questions to your account before reverting the email change.

Verifying account ownership

Important    Important: Securing your account and protecting your personal data are very important to us.
Therefore, to recover an account you must provide specific information that we can verify to help ensure that the account in question is returned to its rightful owner.
Additionally, if a support ticket is opened, all personal information that you provide is redacted from your ticket after we verify account ownership.

When recovering an account, preparation is key. We strongly recommend that you gather as much of the following information before attempting to recover your account. It will make the process faster, easier, and increase your chances of success.

The following table lists the information requested for account ownership verification. You can use it as a preparation checklist.

Account Self-Service

Customer Support


  • Your information
    • *Full name (first and last)
    • *Date of birth, month/year
      (day is optional)
    • Email address
    • Phone number
  • Purchase history
    • Order ID
    • Order date (month/day/year)
  • Linked account
    • Steam ID
  • Game information
    • Game title + character name
      (at least one)
  • Your information
    • Full name (first and last)
    • Date of birth, month/year
    • Current email address
    • Original email address (used to create account, if different from current)·
  • Purchase history
    • Order IDs
    • Order dates
    • Item names
    • NX purchase dates (if bought within the last 90 days)·
  • Log in type
    • Nexon account
    • Social log in (Google, Facebook, Apple)
    • Linked account (Steam)·
  • Game information
    • Game titles + character names
      (three if possible)

If for any reason your account cannot be verified through the Account Self-Service tool, or if you need help with something else, go to the Nexon Support Center. You can review our FAQ articles for self-help or open a ticket for further assistance. For more information, see Contacting Customer Support.

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